Sunday, July 7, 2013

1 Surefire Way To Fail In The LED Screens Industry

Yesterday I had an aperitive with one of our Customers and of course we were talking about LED screens. He is a talented entrepreneur who worked several years for big multinationals such as Coca-Cola and Nestle' and then started to distribute our LED products worldwide.

While talking, he told me the story of one of his Clients. This gentleman contacted him because he wanted to install a LED screen to sell advertising spaces. He had a place where to install the LED display and wanted to invest some money to start the business. He saw the LED wall, liked it, bought it and installed it. Everything went smoothly and the day the screen was installed, he was satisfied and couldn't wait to start making money.

After a couple of months, our distributor got a call from this gentleman, complaining because the business was not taking off and he wasn't getting the return on investment he was expecting. Of course our distributor was surprised to hear that and he started to wonder whether the location was bad or something like that, but it turned out the location was good.

A bit worried, he made a few questions to understand why this gentleman was not making money, so he asked "How do you promote your screen to your Customers?" and the gentleman answered "I run an ad on the LED screen that says: Free Advertising Space. Call 011-954-1015." He replied with a smile on his face: "Well, I think you should do a little bit more than that!"

What's the morale of this story? LED screens are a great media tool and a business with great returns. But as any business, you must work hard to make it successful, you can't just sit down and wait for your telephone to ring!

Some people think that by installing the LED screen, the money will start flowing in their pockets just by doing nothing. Well, this is a big mistake because running a LED screen advertising company is a very profitable business, BUT you still need to work hard to succeed and continue prosper overtime. As in any other business.

Over the years I realized that installing the LED screen is just the first step of a business journey that can be very rewarding and profitable if you run it consciously, but could also be very challenging if you don't know exactly what to do and how to do it.

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